
Showing posts from December, 2018

The day my daughter got her wheelchair

A few years back we were given the opportunity to test an adjustable highchair for kids with special needs at home. My daughter was about 1,5 years old. Reluctantly I pushed the highchair into our kitchen. I thought to myself “No way this chair will last the weekend!”. It’s going straight back to the rehabilitation centre, where it belongs! My little girl is going to learn how to crawl and then, hopefully, she will be able to stand and walk. And we won’t even need all those special devices. None of them! 

7 doctors show how it’s done!

Videos that show doctors or other healthcare professionals handling children without the use of restraint and without pain nor stress are great to watch. A sense of humor and music can also be beneficial during a hospital visit. Just like paying real attention to someone, taking some extra time and adjusting to what a child needs in that moment.